Prerequisite InDesign Assessment
- Due Jan 14, 2023 at 11:59pm
- Points 50
- Questions 50
- Time Limit None
- Allowed Attempts Unlimited
About this Quiz
Students taking ART 2200 Advanced InDesign Software should have a foundational knowledge of Adobe InDesign because ART 1200 InDesign Software is a prerequisite for this course. This quiz is designed to refresh each student's memory of ART 1200 and to assess the student's current level of InDesign knowledge.
The Prerequisite InDesign Assessment quiz pulls 50 multiple-choice questions from ART 1200. I would like all students to earn 80% or higher on this quiz. There is no time limit. The quiz may be taken an unlimited number of times until 80% or higher is earned. However, each new attempt will pull a different set of questions.
Please use these ART 1200 Review Materials as a learning resource for this quiz. In addition, you can always attend your instructor's weekly Q&A via ZOOM for help. Check the course homepage for the exact day and time of the weekly ZOOM.
Important Prerequisite InDesign Assessment Information
- There are 50 questions.
- Questions are multiple-choice, true/false, and short answer.
- Students must earn 80% or higher for this assignment to be considered complete. That means you must get 40 of the 50 questions correct.
- This quiz does not count toward your ART 2200 grade.
- This quiz may be taken an unlimited number of times. There is no time-limit.
- You will receive different questions on each attempt.
The questions on this test are meant to ensure that you have the foundational knowledge to continue in this course. Thus, each question aligns to the following course learning objective.
- Identify foundational knowledge of InDesign