Download & Install Adobe InDesign

  • Due Jan 14, 2023 at 11:59pm
  • Points 2
  • Questions 2
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited



Module 00Download & Install Adobe CC

Before we can get started in ART 2200 Advanced InDesign Software everyone needs to have access to InDesign CC. If you are using an older version of InDesign some of the course instructions will not match what you see in your version of the program. In fact, there may be times when something we are discussing does not exist in your version. I would like everyone to download the latest version of Adobe CC and InDesign CC (and any other Adobe software applications you would like to use) so that it is installed on your computer before we get to our first learning module. You may want to also download Adobe Photoshop CC and Illustrator CC as well.

The slides below outline the basic steps needed to download and install Adobe CC and InDesign CC. Students at Salt Lake Community College have free access to this software through their college email accounts. Visit this site for more information. If you are having trouble downloading and installing Adobe CC and/or InDesign CC contact the SLCC Help Desk for assistance at (801) 957-5555.

Click here to download an accessible and printable version of the reading assignment above.

Activity Requirements

  • Download Adobe CC
  • Install InDesign CC (and any other Adobe programs you are interested in using)
  • After InDesign CC has been installed on your computer, complete the attached quiz by answering a few simple questions.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes