Module Overview: Course Orientation

To-Do Date: Jan 9 at 8:01am

Module 00Module Overview

Learning Objectives

Each module in ART 2200 covers a specific set of learning objectives. The learning objectives for this module, Getting Started in ART 2200, are designed to help students feel comfortable getting started in the course.  

  • Identify how to begin the course and where to find various course components
  • Identify the course structure
  • Identify the purpose of the course
  • Identify course goals and major assessments
  • Identify school and instructor policies
  • Identify online learning communication etiquette expectations
  • Identify expected technical skills
  • Identify where to find technical support and various college services
  • Use Canvas to submit assignments and participate in discussions
  • Use any technology required for the course

What You Will Do in This Module

The goal of our first module, Getting Started in ART 2200, is to provide an overview of the course so that students can begin to feel comfortable with the course format, navigation, and general expectations. We will review the technical requirements for taking this course as an online class, assignments and projects you will complete throughout the semester, and how your grade will be calculated, among other things. Successful completion of this module requires completing all of the required readings and assignments listed below.

Note 1: ART 2200 is designed to be a continuation of ART 1200. The layout and structure of the course should feel very familiar.

Note 2: All modules in the course are locked until the orientation module, 00 – Getting Started in ART 2200, is complete. All Required Reading and Required Activities must be completed to unlock the rest of the course.

Below, you can see a table of contents and checklist of the contents that you have to complete for this module. You don't need to click on any of the links in the table below. When you are ready to continue with this module, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click "next."