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Workforce Training and Continuing Education
Instructor Onboarding & Training
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Course Description
Students explore record groups and repositories which contain U.S. sources known to provide evidence linking families from students’ lifetime to 1850 and solve research problems by evaluating evidence.
This course provides an overview of family history research methods and sources to efficiently solve United States research problems in your own family history. Students will learn how to locate and use the ten foundational U.S. genealogical sources necessary to establish or to verify reliability in their research for families living between 1850 and the present time. Through structured activities, case studies, and discussion, they will gain experience using the key record repositories that contain those ten essential U.S. sources. GEN 1010 builds on the skills learned in the prerequisite course GEN1000.
Learning Outcomes
Overall course goals are to immerse students in the field of genealogy as they are taught the scientific principles of evidentiary research. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to
- apply the genealogy research cycle
- differentiate between derivative sources (indexes and compiled records) and primary sources
- determine which source(s) contain the evidence necessary to solve a research problem, and then to determine which repository has that information
- plan and conduct historical research, including the use of appropriate source citations in electronic research planners and logs
- analyze historical and genealogical sources for their appropriate evidence
- input the above data into a good genealogical computer program
- write a short research report incorporating all of the above